Pharmacy Design
A good design is about getting people into your store, simply having a large amount of store and selling at cheap prices no longer works in todays market place. Attractive, clean and efficient environments are key to creating the shopping experience. The design should maximise use of space and customer flow with clear presentation and signage creating an identity for your pharmacy.
Do you have suitable access for disabled customers? A low DDA counter for wheel chair users? Do you have clear signage for deaf customers? Can partially sighted customers access the store safely?
Which Dispensary Systems To Use
We offer a wide range of dispensary shelving and drawer systems to suit any budget. The volume of prescriptions processed and the floor space available within the dispensary area usually dictate which type of system should be used. In busy dispensaries with a small working area then high capacity pharmacy drawer systems are the best solution. If your pharmacy has a lot of space available then timber fixtures provide a system where all the drugs are clearly visible and easily accessed. Currently the most popular system is the pullout shelving system which provides high capacity medicine storage, which are clearly visible and easily accessible. Our designers will help you decide which systems best suit your pharmacy.

For more details about these and other services contact us at: (855) 374-1029 or fill in the Consulting Application and a representative will be in touch with you shortly.