Out of State Licensing (Pharmacy and PIC)
Are you thinking about expanding your business to other states? Your first step is to get licensed in the state where you want to start providing service.
Empire Pharmacy Consultants can help. We have years of experience in preparing out-of-state applications and have designed and perfected a method to expedite the process.
Non-Resident Applications: We can provide you with a full consult to prepare and file your non-residential applications in their entirety or just assist you with completing the applications. Regardless of which you choose, our service does not stop once your application has been sent to the Board of Pharmacy. We follow your application throughout the entire process from when it leaves our office until your license is approved. We are the experts with licensing and our consulting team has assisted many pharmacies across the country with getting licensed in other states.

Non-Resident PIC: All states have different requirements. In addition to applying for a non-resident license, several states require you to have a pharmacist who is licensed in that state and working at your pharmacy prior to them approving your license. Currently 15 states require a non-resident PIC with more demanding the same. EPC can provide you with the right personnel who meet these requirements. We have thousands of pharmacists across the country, contracted and ready to work at your pharmacy.
Empire Pharmacy Consultants is where you can have all your pharmacy needs taken care in one place. For more detail about these and other services contact us at: (855) 374-1029 or fill in the Consulting Application and a representative will be in touch with you shortly.