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Empire Pharmacy Consultants

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Need a Lending Hand?

Need a Lending Hand?

Are you converting the latest trends to $$?

It is difficult to keep up with everything necessary to own and manage a pharmacy business. There are numerous tasks that must be satisfied daily, and that’s under normal circumstances. The time it takes to manage your “normal” routine prevents a progressive opportunity to capitalize on the latest market trends.

What’s your solution? Outsourcing and utilizing the services of Empire Pharmacy Consultants. It is the basis for solid, consistent business growth and assures your pharmacy business is not falling behind. Empire Pharmacy Consultants has become the “trend” for successful pharmacy owners. Empire’s history of almost 10 plus years is a testimony to their proven strategies and ability to bring new ideas and income streams to their clients.

Please contact Empire Pharmacy Consultants for specific strategies, efficient and fully vetted staffing and complete consultation for every aspect of your pharmacy business.

1. Growth in Specialty Markets

There is considerable information that leads Empire Pharmacy Consultants to the conclusion that the highly competitive pharmacy business industry, requires owners to capitalize on exclusive distribution channels for specialty pharmaceuticals. Empire Pharmacy Consultants will assist and manage opportunities for unique clinical and operational expertise required to build, buy or partner with specialty pharmacies. Empire specializes in evaluating the balance between risks and patient benefit. Contact Empire Pharmacy Consultants

2. Data provides pharmacy owners vital information to make strategic business decisions

Empire Pharmacy Consultants establishes systems that produce critical and comprehensive pharmacy data analytics to track and monitor drug spend and use, patient care, and overall quality. Empire’s clients use this information to propel improved financial, clinical and operational decisions while boosting further business outcomes. Data acquisition provides critical drug spend analysis, providing our clients the information necessary to successfully establish and track cost containment initiatives. Empire Pharmacy Consultants has the operational capabilities to reduce drug spend, decrease manual work hours and improve efficiency in our clients’ pharmacy business. Contact Empire Pharmacy Consultants

Did you know?

  • Approximately 74 percent of regular prescription medication users claim that being enrolled in a pharmacy-based medication synchronization program helps them take their medications.
  • 84 percent say med sync helps them manage their prescription refills.
  • 13 percent of regular prescription medication users age 40 years or older are enrolled in a med sync program.

Info acquired from National Community Pharmacists Association

Contact Empire Pharmacy Consultants and find out how to get more customers enrolled in your medication synchronization programs!

Contact Empire Pharmacy Consultants and implement a system to drive the maximum clinical and business value to your synchronization programs!

Call Empire for immediate assistance - (855) 374-1029 (Servicing pharmacies in all 50 states and the District of Columbia)


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Empire Pharmacy Consultants is a pharmacy staffing and pharmacy consulting firm dedicated to providing excellent service and perfect placement for pharmacies since 2007. 


At Empire Pharmacy Consultants, we believe there is always an opportunity for growth and this is why we will always remain the fastest growing pharmacy staffing and pharmacy consulting firm in the industry. Let us bring our beliefs to your business so we can help you grow.